Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Doubts over BNP man's title claims

There was confusion last night over whether Norwich North's British National Party (BNP) candidate has the credentials to call himself “reverend”.

The Rev Robert West is at the centre of a row over his ministerial moniker, which he claimed was genuine - even though he admitted he had no current connection to any Christian denomination.

When questioned, Mr West, who lives in Holbeach in Lincolnshire, said: “It's been dealt with once and I don't have to justify myself.”

He said he had explained himself and shown his ordination certificate on a TV show in recent months, and said he had been advised “not to go through it all again”.

He said he had been “ordained as an elder” of the Apostolic Church of Wales some years ago. He claimed the word “elder” in the New Testament came from a Greek word meaning “priest”.

Mr West, who will be bidding to win the vacant Norwich North seat once the by-election date has been announced, said: “Ordination means recognition. It's simply recognition of what you are. It recognises your gifts.”

Meanwhile, UKIP leader Nigel Farrage was in Norwich yesterday outlining how his party planned to reach out to traditional Labour voters and Tories disenchanted with David Cameron's Conservative Party.

3rd Lib Dem leaflet in Norwich North

The score ? Tory 3, Lib Dem 3, Labour 1, UKIP 1



The campaign leaflets and posters from the 2008 Glasgow East by-election are now available HERE.

Labour names by-election hopeful

The Scottish Labour Party has selected its candidate to fight the Glasgow North East by-election.

William Bain, 36, is a lecturer in public law and current secretary of the local constituency party.

He will fight the seat vacated by Michael Martin after he stood down as Speaker of the House of Commons earlier this month.

No date has yet been set for the by-election which could be held as late as September or October.

Mr Martin became the first Speaker to be forced from office in 300 years following widespread public revulsion at the number of MPs who were seen to take advantage of the Commons' expenses rules.

His replacement, Conservative MP John Bercow, was appointed after a six-hour election process last week.


Glasgow N E will not be held until November

The Glasgow North East by-election will be held in November.

Party bosses ruled out holding it during the summer amid fears it could clash with voters' holidays and affect turnout.

Labour last night selected law lecturer William Bain, 36, as their candidate.

The poll was sparked when Michael Martin stood down as Commons Speaker and as an MP last week. Westminster rules say when it is not forced by a sitting MP's death, the process for calling a by-election - known as "moving the writ" - cannot take place during a Commons recess.

Senior Labour sources say that means it will not happen until MPs return from their summer break in October.

The by-election will take place on November 5 or 12 - with the later date the strong favourite.

A Labour insider said: "Local people don't want the by-election during the school holidays, which means we cannot move the writ before the House rises next month.

"Theoretically it could be held later than November but we don't want to do that.

"It will be on the 5th or the 12th, and we'll probably make the final decision in October."

Labour feared that holding the by-election during the summer holidays could lead to a repeat of the SNP's triumph in neighbouring Glasgow East last July.

The Nats overturned Labour's 13,507 majority.

Daily Record


The Norwich North by-election has been announced for July23rd. The Green Party is ready for the challenge, and delighted that the fight for Norwich North can now begin in earnest.

The Green Party candidate for Norwich North is Dr.Rupert Read, a Norwich city councillor and UEA lecturer who narrowly missed election as an MEP in the recent European elections.

Rupert Read said today:

“After the gloom of the economic downturn and the scandal surrounding MPs expenses, which has sullied all three main parties,the Greens are offering a fresh new approach. We want cleaner politics as well as consideration for the environment underpinning every aspect of policy.

“For the first time ever, the national spotlight will be on the Green Party in a by-election campaign and our prospects are being taken extremely seriously. The big three parties have everything to lose. The Green Party has everything to gain.”

Dr Read, who has previously won plaudits for his Party’s ‘Clean Campaign Pledge’, recently saw a huge expansion of the Green vote in the east of England after his campaign for the European elections and came within 1% of securing a seat.

Green support peaked strongly in their emerging stronghold of Norwich, where the Greens came out on top with about 25% of the vote, a tremendous achievement and one which shows that the Green Party and Dr Read will be a major force in the forthcoming coming by-election. In Norwich North, the Green Party won two Council seats for the first time, giving it new momentum. (Labour won just one seat, and the Lib-Dems none at all).


Battle of the Bar Charts

First we had the Tory bar chart which led to claims of distortion

Well - anything the Tories can do - UKIP can do better

First UKIP leaflet in Norwich North

The score ? Tory 3, Lib Dem 2, Labour 1, UKIP 1


Norwich poll set for 23 July

The date for the Norwich North by-election, triggered by the resignation of Labour MP Ian Gibson, is expected to be set for 23 July.

Dr Gibson quit after Labour officials said he could not stand at the next election following criticism of his expenses claims.

One of five Labour MPs deselected by the party over their expenses, Dr Gibson said he was harshly treated.

He had a majority of just over 5,000 at the last election.

The BBC understands that the writ for the election will be moved on Tuesday, with the poll set to be held two days after Parliament breaks up for its summer recess on 21 July.

The seat will be a target for the Tories and should be a pointer to how Labour may fare in key constituencies in the south of England at the next general election.

Despite recent speculation about his intentions, Dr Gibson told BBC Look East that he would not be standing as an independent candidate.

The MP, who was alleged to have allowed his daughter to live in his taxpayer-funded second home and then sold it to her at below market value, has held the seat since 1997.

Monday, June 29, 2009

SNP favourite withdraws from race

The frontrunner to be the SNP's candidate in the Glasgow North East by-election has withdrawn at the 11th hour.

Despite previously stating he would put himself forward, Glasgow councillor Grant Thoms has now told party bosses he will not run after all.

The unexpected decision leaves the SNP scrabbling for a candidate ahead of a selection meeting due next week.

Labour is expected to name Willie Bain, a 36-year-old law lecturer, as its candidate on Monday in readiness for a snap contest.

Thoms was known to have been worried that his "Tartan Hero" blog, which often dealt in religious and gay rights issues, would return to haunt him and had removed it from the internet - but traces had been retrieved by his opponents.

Labour also planned to attack Thoms over his perceived lack of support for Catholic schools.

Last night, however, he insisted he simply preferred to remain a councillor. He said: "It is a role I love. I feel I have work still to do in that role and therefore want to continue with it."

The situation has strong echoes of last year's Glasgow East by-election, when the likely Labour candidate, councillor George Ryan, withdrew hours before a selection meeting.

Labour's campaign was plunged into chaos and its 13,500 majority was overturned by the SNP.

Frances Curran, the former MSP, is likely to be the candidate for the Scottish Socialist Party when activists make their choice on July 2.

The by-election has been caused by the retirement of former Commons Speaker Michael Martin in the wake of the MPs expenses scandal.

The ballot could be as early as July 23, although local Labour activists have lobbied the party in London for a longer campaign, with August 27 suggested instead.

Locals believe a long fight will draw the sting from a row over the closure of four primary schools in the constituency - an issue the Nationalists had planned to highlight in their campaign.

By waiting until classes restart in the autumn and parents see their children's new schools, Labour hope the issue can be sidelined.

With Bain's position strengthening, councillor Gordon Matheson, who had been considering a bid, has now withdrawn from the Labour race.

Graeme Pearson, former head of the Scottish Crime and Drug Enforcement Agency, has also backed away.

Still expressing an interest in the Labour candidacy is Dr Zasheem Ahmed, 55, an economist and chair of the Nazrul-Burns arts centre.

The Herald

Labour wants Glasgow North-East by-election in November

The Glasgow North-East by-election could be postponed until November, The Times has learnt.

Senior figures in the Labour Party have ruled out next month for the election and say that an alternative date in early autumn may not be possible because of arcane Parliamentary rules. The by-election was triggered by the decision of Michael Martin to step down as the Commons Speaker and as an MP.

Commons rules state that if an MP dies or is made a peer, the writ for a by-election can be moved during a Parliamentary recess. But if an MP steps down - as in Mr Martin's case - the writ can only be moved when the Commons is sitting.

That means that if the writ was moved before or on July 21, when the Commons breaks up for the summer recess, the by-election would have to be held within 21 days in early August. Labour officials in Glasgow are opposed to an early date, saying that it would clash with the end of the school holidays. They fear a repetition of last year's Glasgow East by-election held in late July, when the SNP overturned a 13,000 Labour majority.

If the writ was not moved by July 21, politicians would have to wait until Parliament came back in October. Under this scenario the first available date would be early November.

A spokesman for Scottish Labour confirmed yesterday that the local party did not want an August contest.

As Speaker Mr Martin stood unopposed by the mainstream parties at the 2005 general election and had a majority of more than 10,000 over the SNP. Labour's hopes of holding the seat received a boost at the European election on June 4 with a majority of 2,000 over the SNP.

A spokesman for the SNP said: “If Labour is trying to kick this into the long grass, it can only be because it's being bested by the SNP in elections and opinion polls across Scotland.”

The Times

Sunday, June 28, 2009

Norwich North Labour candidate chosen

A Labour party activist from London has been selected as the candidate to replace Ian Gibson in Norwich North.

Chris Ostrowski, who works for John Lewis, was selected by party members in the constituency this afternoon. He is a University of East Anglia graduate who has been active in the Norwich Labour party in the past.

Four candidates had been shortlisted for the selection by Labour's ruling National Executive Committee. The other three were Victoria MacDonald, the local party secretary, who had been tipped as the front-runner, Michelle Savage, a local member, member of Labour's National Policy Forum and vice-chairman of the East of England regional board, and Ffinlo Costain, an environmental media consultant and former parliamentary candidate.

Around 50 members attended the meeting at the Holiday Inn in north Norwich.

Mr Ostrowski said after the selection: “It's a privilege to get the chance to go from here and speak with my friends and all of the people in Norwich North to ask them to vote for me to become their MP.

“Labour has an excellent record in Norwich. We have delivered seven Sure Start children's centres across the city - in 1997 there were none.

“Crime is falling and the number of police officers is rising.

“Labour have introduced Neighbourhood Policing to help clamp down on anti-social behaviour in our streets and parks and they are working.

“But there is still so much more to do. I know that Norwich is a great place to live, and it deserves the best.

“So let me be clear- we will run a positive campaign.

“We will proudly talk up Labour's achievements and we will always be proud of Norwich.

“However, where I think that the threat of Conservative cuts could damage Norwich or hurt the chances of its people, I will speak out.

“This is not negative campaigning, and I will not needlessly raise fears, but people deserve to have the choice put in front of them, and I will always do that.

“I look forward to an energetic and fair campaign, and I can't wait to go from here and meet the voters.”

Norwich South MP Charles Clarke said: “Chris Ostrowski is a very strong candidate for Labour in the Norwich North by-election. He knows and understands Norwich well and will fight for the needs of his constituents with intelligence and determination.”

The date for the by-election has yet to be set.

Norfolk Eastern Daily Press

Saturday, June 27, 2009

Bill Holden Leaflet - Norwich North





David Cameron back in Norwich

Tory leader David Cameron was back in Norwich yesterday launching an attack on “Labour spin” over its spending cuts claims, as an opinion poll suggested that his party had a narrow lead of less than 5pc in the forthcoming by-election.

Mr Cameron was campaigning with Tory candidate Chloe Smith at the NHS Walk-in Centre in Dussindale, near Norwich, praising the Conservative-run county council for its idea for adapting the site into a Surestart centre for children after it closes.

Labour's embryonic campaign has targeted the Tories with claims their spending plans, if in power, would see up to two Surestart centres close in the city and fewer police.

But Mr Cameron rubbished the suggestions which have appeared in a recent Labour newsletter sent to hundreds of homes in the city, and denied the party was vulnerable on social issues.

He also knocked back any idea that the nation's parlous finances could see the Tories reluctant to support funding for the Norwich northern bypass (NDR), or that they would prefer to see a toll road built.

“There is a road programme and the NDR has got an extremely strong case and Conservatives have been campaigning for it, whereas Labour has been lukewarm,” he said.

“Labour's leaflets are, frankly, appalling,” he added. “I was just blown away by what I read. How Gordon Brown can say he has got a moral compass, I just do not know.

“Here we are in a health centre that is being shut under the Labour government and it is the local Conservative-controlled county council that is giving us the choice of reopening it.”

There is still no date set for the by-election, but yesterday an opinion poll of 500 Norwich voters found that 34pc would vote Tory, compared to 30pc for Labour, 15pc for the Lib Dems, and 14pc for the Greens.

The poll, by the University and College Union comes even before Labour selects a candidate on Sunday and may boost hopes the party could run the Tories closer than previously thought.

Mr Cameron also paid tribute to former Norwich North MP Ian Gibson, stating he was a “respected” and independent voice in Parliament, but he declined to say whether Dr Gibson would have faced the same fate if he had been a Conservative MP.

“I don't know enough about the individual facts of this case,” he said. “He clearly had some big questions to answer.”

And he fended off claims that 27-year-old Miss Smith was too young and inexperienced to be an MP, and said the campaign would be as much about local issues as the need for a change of government.

“The most important thing is that Norwich should choose the best Member of Parliament and in Chloe Smith we have got an outstanding candidate, who is Norfolk through and through, lives in Norwich, and has got a very good business career under way,” he said.

Meanwhile, as the 'non-election' campaign continues, culture secretary Ben Bradshaw will be in Norwich visiting youngsters at Sparhawk Infant and Nursery school in Sprowston on Monday.

And Nigel Farage leader of the UK Independence Party will also be canvassing in the city on Sunday and Monday.

Norfolk Eastern Daily Press

3rd Tory Leaflet in Norwich North

This makes the score Tory 3 - Labour 1 - Lib Dem 2.


Put an Honest Man into Parliament

Can Corrigan Brothers do an Obama in UK Election with The MP Expense Song

We have just received an email from the Corrigan Brothers looking to help another positive motivated individual into power. The last chap they gave a hand up to was a little known American gueezer Barack Obama!

The Corrigan Brothers have joined Craig Murray's team

Last year they helped Obama with the US Presidential election!

A former British Ambassador has gained the support of the Corrigan Brothers to help win the Norwich North seat in a local by-election in the UK.

Just listening to Black or White by the recently departed Michael Jackson on C4 before the next exciting episode of Big Brother. It doesn't matter. What matters is your intent. Are you out to help others or yourself. An MP should be motivated to help others but most seem simply to think how much power they can attract and store in their sweaty palms!!

A 10 minute spin around Craig's blog and he would appear a good sort. Why would these Irish Global rock legends stand up next to a muppet, they wouldn't... so I'm happy to add their request for help to our little bit of Britain.

Being born in Hunstanton, spending most of my summers as a child in Sheringham and visiting my other grandparents in Brook & Poringland, means that I feel more connected ... and Baracks step mum lives in Bracknell... so let's go kick some Parliamentry butt!!

Last year their song took the world by storm. The Corrigan Brothers "There's no one as Irish as Barack Obama" was an international hit and reached almost six million youtube hits. Several academics have claimed that the song greatly contributed to President Obama's inauguration, many claiming that it "internationalises" him.

President Obama showed his thanks by inviting the Irish Brothers to play at three inauguration events in Washington DC last January. The Brothers have received two messages of thanks from Obama and the President loves the song. On Saint Patrick's day last, Irish Prime Minister presented President Obama a copy of the song in the White House.

Now the Corrigan Brothers are involved in an election campaighn in the UK. Craig Murray is a Scottish dissident, human rights activist, writer and former British Ambassador. He is currently Rector of the University of Dundee and an Honorary Research Fellow at the University of Lancaster School of Law.

He is also an independent candidate in the upcoming Norwich North by-election and has requested the Corrigan Brother's "MP Expenses Song" as his campaign song. The Corrigan Brothers were delighted to oblige and will perform the song with Chris on the capaign trail.

Ger Corrigan lead singer with Corrigan Brothers said, "We are delighted to assist a man of Craig's integrity and allow him exclusive permission to use our song, having followed the shame of the expenses scandal closely we feel that Craig represents the only real alternative to the greed and embarassment we have witnessed recently". Ger Corrigan went on to say "The last guy that we wrote a song for went on to become President of the United States and invited us to his inauguration. We hope to be there for Craig's inauguration once he succeeds in Norwich North".

Business in Berkshire

Friday, June 26, 2009

Welcome to Norwich Liberal Democrats

Following the resignation of Labour MP Ian Gibson, there will shortly be a Norwich North by-election. For details of how to help the Liberal Democrat campaign in the Norwich North by-election, visit our campaign page.

As a strong opposition party on Norwich City Council, the Liberal Democrats continue to offer a distinct and positive alternative to the minority Labour administration.

The Liberal Democrats are strong challengers for the parliamentary seats of Norwich North and Norwich South. In the recent European elections, the Liberal Democrats increased our vote in the region while Labour fell to fourth place, behind the Liberal Democrats, the Conservatives and the UK Independence Party.


Ex-MP could stand as independent

Former Labour MP for Norwich North Ian Gibson could stand as an independent in the forthcoming by-election, the BBC has been told.

Talking to BBC Newsnight, Dr Gibson refused to rule out the possibility of standing, depending on who the Labour Party in Norwich choose as a candidate.

Dr Gibson won the Norwich North seat in 1997, taking it from the Conservatives.

The Conservatives need a swing of just under 6% to win Norwich North, a key target for the party.

'Star chamber inquiry'

When questioned about whether he would stand, Dr Gibson said: "Who knows what will happen... I have not made any decisions."

Dr Gibson said as a Labour Party member it would be politically impossible to stand, adding: "Things might change depending on the nominations (for a Labour candidate)."

Dr Gibson said he did not want to see a Conservative win the Norwich North seat.

"I will never give up on politics," he added.

On 2 June, Mr Gibson was thrown out as a Labour candidate after an appearance before a Labour Party panel over reports about his expenses.

The Daily Telegraph said Dr Gibson claimed for a flat which his daughter and her partner lived in rent-free.

The MP had told BBC Look East that he shared the flat with his daughter for a time, claiming mortgage interest payments on parliamentary expenses.

He was effectively deselected after a meeting of Labour's "Star Chamber".

The panel, described as a "kangaroo court" by the local party chairman, has barred him from standing as a Labour Party candidate at the next election.

BBC News

First poll in Norwich North

The writ is yet to be moved for the Norwich North by-election (caused by the resignation of Labour MP Ian Gibson), but there is an expectation that the contest will held before the end of July.

However, today the first poll of the campaign has emerged, which points to the contest very much being a two-horse race between Conservative candidate Chloe Smith (pictured) and a yet-to-be selected Labour candidate, with the Lib Dems and Greens trailing in a fight for third place.

The ICM poll - commissioned by the University and College Union - puts the parties on the following percentages:

Con - 34% (+1 on the 2005 general election)
Lab - 30% (-15)
Lib Dem - 15% (-1)
Greens - 14% (+11)
Others - 7% (+4)

ICM Research conducted the poll in Norwich North between June 19th and 21st.


Craig Murray - Campaign Begins

We are now getting established in Norwich North. Our first leaflet is being printed. meeting rooms have been booked, an office and accommodation have been rented. Priority today is to sort out the internet and other communications.

There is still no definite date set for the by-election yet. I have been trying to hire empty shops to use as campaign centres, but the Conservative Party has in some cases got there first and been hiring them for two months - so they obviously expect an early election. But ii is the government which calls the date in this case. I still think July 23rd is most likely - New Labour are going to lose and it would be best to get the bad news out of the way before the summer. But Brown's instinct is generally to procrastinate.

By law a minimum of only seventeen days notice has to be given for a by-election, so it could be sprung upon us any moment.

There is a genuine disgust at the political parties among the electors of Norwich North. There seems to be a public understanding that the expenses scandal is only a symptom of a party political system that is not functioning and not helping people.

I think we have a genuine opportunity to give the political establishment a real shock here. But I very much need help. We already have plenty of tasks for volunteers to campaign, we can accommodate people and it's time now to come to Norwich and launch a radical assault on our rotten political system!



The Green Party has selected Rupert Read to be its candidate in the forthcoming Norwich North Parliamentary by-election.

At a packed meeting of 50 plus Green Party members tonight (Wed) Dr Read was selected ahead of fellow Norwich City Councillor Claire Stephenson, and former councillor Jessica Goldfinch.

Rupert Read said: “I’m honoured to be given the opportunity to represent the Green Party in a by-election in which, for the first time ever, the national spotlight will be on the Green Party and our campaign and our prospects are being taken extremely seriously”.

As well as being a Green city councillor, Dr Read (43) is also a lecturer in philosophy at the University of East Anglia.

Dr Read recently won a huge expansion of the Green vote in the east of England in his campaign for the European elections and came within 1% of securing a seat. Hundreds of supporters took an active part in that campaign, and, in the absence of the high-level funding enjoyed by other parties, the Greens are calling for similar assistance in Norwich North where they’ll be organising their first major leafletting drop this weekend.

Rupert's Read

Second Tory leaflet in Norwich North

This makes the score Tory 2 - Labour 1 - Lib Dem 2.


Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Second Lib Dem leaflet in Norwich North

A second Lib Dem leaflet arrived today, putting the leaflet score at Tories 1, Labour 1 and Lib Dem 2.


First Labour Leaflet in Norwich North

Here is the first Labour leaflet going out in Norwich North.


Norwich North First Poster

Craig Murray said of this poster...
Brilliant first poster design here from Brynmor. It needs a little tweaking - I wouldn't call myself a politician, as I have spent a very large amount on civil liberties campaigning and not made a penny out of it. But it is going to be very strong.

Craig Murray - Standing in Norwich North

June 5, 2009

I Am Standing in Norwich North

There is to be a by-election in Norwich North. I shall be standing as an independent, anti-sleaze candidate.

Dr Ian Gibson was a good MP, and has done the honorable thing - unlike so many others - by standing down as an MP now. As it happens, my lifelong friend and best man, Marcus Armes, used to work as Ian Gibson's assistant.

Norwich North is very much home ground for me. I come from just outside the constituency. I am one of the Norfolk Scots! (My father was posted to Norfolk in the RAF, married a local Shannock girl, and stayed). I was born in West Runton and went to school at Sheringham Primary and Paston. I was on the executive of the North Norfolk Liberal party in the days when that constituency stretched into Norwich, including Hellesdon. I am a lifelong Canaries fan.

I believe that parliament needs people of independent mind who try to do what is right, and who are not in it for the money. I sacrificed an extremely lucrative career as a British Ambassador, for the princiiple of opposing British government collusion with torture. I have a proven record of putting principle before money or party.

I know Norwich and its people and will always work honestly for their good.

I will live in the constituency. I will take only take the barest necessary travel expenses to help me do the job, and publish instantly any claim. I will guarantee to keep my expenses to less than 50% of the average, and hopefully still less.

The sleaze of the expenses scam is not the problem. It is just a symptom of the situation, where we have very low quality MPs who are just hacks to party machines. These MPs were sleeping into the economic disaster of the unregulated casino economy and the banking crash. These MPs have voted through the wholesale erosion of our civil liberties. These MPs voted us in to an illegal and disastrous war that has increased the fundamentalist threat.

I will be genuinely independent of any party, and work only for the interests of the people of Norwich. I will be a thinking MP.

I rather doubt that an honest man can get elected. But I think the voters deserve a choice beyond the tired old parties. So we will give it a try!


4th June CC Results for Norwich North

The CC boundaries are not a perfect match with the exixting constituency boundaries, but these figures are a good guide to the way Norwich North voted on 4th June 2009.

Con....11357 41.3%
Lab.....5059 18.4%
LD......4682 17.0%
Grn.....4465 16.2%
UKIP...1704 06.2%
BNP......228 00.8%

Glenn Tingle - UKIP - Norwich North

Hi, I'm Glenn Tingle the UK Independence Party candidate at the Norwich North by-election.

I am an ex-Army medic with the Royal Army Medical Corps. and I now run my own local construction company.

I am very concerned about the way Great Britain is being given away to the EU. I joined UKIP so I could represent the views of the majority of the people in this country - to have control of our borders and our fishing waters.

To be able to expel illegal immigrants and be much stricter with the way migrants are allowed in to start with. furthermore we as a party once elected would tear up the Human Rights Act - so the criminals get treated as such. At the moment the law seems to be on their side where it should be supporting the victim.

Nick Clegg coming back to Norwich

Liberal Democrat leader Nick Clegg is coming back to Norwich, just one week after his last visit.

Mr Clegg is visiting Norwich City College as the race for the vacant Norwich North parliamentary seat hots up.

He was in the city last Thursday for a “town hall meeting”, and also spent time at Prospect House, the home of the EDP and Evening News, to answer questions from the public on a web chat.

Norwich North became the centre of political attention earlier this month when Dr Ian Gibson stood down as MP after becoming embroiled in the MPs' expenses scandal.

No date has yet been announced for the by-election, but the city has already seen a succession of high-profile visitors, including Tory leader David Cameron, deputy prime minister Harriet Harman and senior Tory David Willetts who, like Mr Clegg, visited the college.

Norfolk Eastern Daily Press


BNP to stand in Norwich by-election

The controversial British National Party has confirmed that one of its members will bid to become the next Norwich North MP.

Robert West, founder of the Christian Council of Britain and who describes himself as a “reverend” on the BNP website, will officially stand to replace Ian Gibson.

He was the lead candidate for the BNP, which has been condemned for its extreme views, in the East Midlands but did not gain enough votes to win a seat in the European Parliament last month.

Today, MPs and councillors hit out at the party and said their extremism was not welcome.

North Norfolk MP Norman Lamb said: “I want voters to reject extremism and if anyone stands for the BNP they should be rejected. They are a racist party and are preying on vulnerable people.

“I believe in treating people equally and this party does not share this view.”

Tim East, a South Norfolk councillor for Costessey, said: “Before anyone has a chance of being elected we need to know their full background. There should be complete transparency into people's pasts before the public can make a valued judgement.”

Mr West caused controversy on BBC1 in February when he said the answer to the recession was for women to “work at home” and he is against all forms of multi-culturalism.

And the 53-year-old, who lives near Spalding in south Lincolnshire, said today: “We are taking a strong anti-immigration line. And we are against the issue of sovereignty to the European community. I believe multi-culturalism is unnecessary and evil.

“I want the people of Norwich to follow this line and realise we have not been tough enough on immigration. I do not want anywhere in this country turning into the Middle East.

“This is Britain and I will fight to keep it that way.”

Mr West said although he does not live in the city he believes he can represent people here because he comes from a “rural community” which is similar to Norfolk and he has lectured for the University of East Anglia (UEA).

He admitted to possessing old fashioned views but said he wants to tell people in Norwich the truth about what he represents and “not a pack of lies”.

He said he believes the market has been flooded with women working and it would be “better if they stayed at home”.

“The domestic sphere is a natural place for a woman to be,” he said. “I honestly think it is woman's right to be at home. Women should get married and their first priority should be the home.

“Recently the home has been abandoned and this modern way does not work. I think many women agree with this, even though they are working themselves.

“This is my view and I hope to get the people of Norwich to listen to this.”

Mr West is one of several candidates poised to try and take the Norwich North seat, which belonged to Ian Gibson before he was forced to step down in the face of the Westminster expenses scandal.

Dr Gibson quit after he was deselected by the Labour Party for claiming for a flat which his daughter and her boyfriend lived in rent free before he sold it to them at a reduced rate.

The BNP failed to win seven Norfolk seats in the county council elections earlier this month, including Sprowston.


Labour candidates queue for Glasgow NE

There are at least three serious Labour candidates for the Glasgow North East seat, as the need to name a date looms.

Councillor Gordon Matheson, the City Treasurer, is to apply for selection, putting him on a collision course with the current favourite, constituency party secretary Willie Bain. The Herald also understands that a senior union official with good local connections to the area is up for the fight.

There have been suggestions at Westminster that theballot could be as soon as July 23 in order to coincide with a by-election in Norwich North caused by the resignation of Labour MP Ian Gibson over his expenses, but Herald sources continue to confirm that August 27 is the date.

Labour strategists believe a poor result in an autumn by-election in Glasgow could cast a shadow over the party's annual conference in September.

Councillor Matheson, 42, represents the Anderson-City ward, which has just a few streets inside the Glasgow North East area, but is an ally of Glasgow City Council leader Steven Purcell.

Officially, Labour held back its selection process until after Michael Martin resigned as both the local MP and the Commons Speaker, after criticism of his role in the Westminster expenses scandal.

However, there have already been private talks among senior party figures about the best choice to see off an SNP challenge.

In last week's European elections, Labour polled just 2067 ahead of the SNP in the seat. Last year, the SNP overturned a Labour majority of 13,500 in neighbouring Glasgow East.

The SNP plan to attack Labour over the city council's closure of local schools.

Another Labour councillor tipped for the seat, Paul Rooney, convener of the Strathclyde Joint Police Board, and another Purcell ally, is understood to have ruled himself out of contention Confirming Matheson would put himself forward, a friend said: "He would make a great candidate. He's interested in speaking to the local constituency party about how they will make their choice.

"After Purcell, he's probably the most able councillor in Glasgow." However, a senior Labour figure in the Glasgow North East seat said Bain, a 36-year-old law lecturer and party organiser, remained favourite: "The only thing that might upset that is if London try to interfere."

Councillor Grant Thoms is tipped to be the SNP's candidate in the constituency.

The Herald

Nick Clegg in Norwich

Liberal Democrat leader Nick Clegg's question and answer session in the city went off without incident last night - in marked contrast to Tory leader David Cameron's similar meeting in Norwich just 72 hours before.

Mr Cameron's speech at the Hewett School in Cecil Road on Monday was overshadowed by the reaction he received when he adopted a German accent to slam Labour's plans to introduce ID cards.

Mr Cameron's German-accented question 'Where are your papers?' elicited a strong response from a member of the audience, who questioned its wisdom, although Mr Cameron insisted it was “light-hearted”.

Mr Clegg was careful to avoid any such blunders last night as he outlined to about 90 people at Hellesdon High School how his party differed from the Conservatives ahead of a by-election in Norwich North, following the resignation of Labour MP Ian Gibson.

Mr Clegg spoke for about 90 minutes and took about 30 questions from the audience ranging from withdrawal from the European Union to how to prevent another financial crisis.

The biggest cheer came when Mr Clegg responded to a question from a man who called for the nationalisation of the city's rail and bus service.

Mr Clegg said that “50pc of train journeys” he had travelled on from Norwich to London had been delayed, while Norman Lamb, Lib Dem MP for North Norfolk, who chaired the meeting, suggested he had been lucky.

Mr Clegg called for both services to be brought back into public control, but warned of the costs of renegotiating the contracts to do it.

He also talked about introducing a fairer tax system whereby poorer people would be better-off and called for richer taxpayers to be denied the legal loopholes they currently employ to pay less tax.

Asked how he would involve young people in politics, the MP for Sheffield Hallam, who was elected leader of the Liberal Democrats in December 2007, called for the outdated way politics was conducted in Westminster to be changed.

He said: “It's a Punch and Judy system at the moment. MPs don't talk to each other using their real names, and young people are just not interested in party politics.

“But it's a myth that young people are not interested in politics. If you continually consider all young people to be bad, then they will act badly.”

He also called for the House of Lords to be elected, and said Britain needed to be part of the European Union to tackle international crime and climate change.

He was also involved in an exchange with a woman with disabilities about how social care in Norfolk had been privatised giving users less control.

Labour city councillor Sue Sands, who had also attended the David Cameron meeting, said Mr Clegg had come across as more “personable” and less “glitzy” than the Tory leader.

Before Mr Clegg took questions from the audience, Evening News reporter David Bale spoke to him about his Norfolk connections and his desire to one day spend his summer holidays on the Norfolk Broads.

See the full interfiew at Norwich Evening News

Contenders emerge for Norwich seat

Glenn Tingle was out in Norwich yesterday with party chairman and newly elected UKIP MEP Paul Nuttall.

The 46-year-old civil engineer and former army medic believes that he can pull off a surprise and win the seat for the UK Independence Party (UKIP), when the by-election is eventually called.

Buoyed by the recent European elections where UKIP won two seats and the council polls where the party won seats in Yarmouth and Waveney and finished second in parts of the Norwich North seat, including Hellesdon, Old Catton and Sprow-ston, his main problem could be his tendency to call it as he sees it - which may yet prove manna from heaven to his rivals.

He talks a lot about Europe, as you would expect, and immigration - sparking claims, which he has strongly denied, that he is fighting a negative, racist campaign.

But his biggest asset could be that he comes across as surprisingly down to earth - exactly like the sort of person that he was talking to yesterday while out campaigning in city pubs.

That could help him attract Tory voters in the leafy suburbs, and some of the hard-to-reach working-class areas north of the city, such as Catton Grove, where he grew up.

“With the general election coming in a year's time, I am hoping people would give me a chance,” he said. “I think this is our time.

“If I'm lucky enough to be elected, I would like to look after local people. It's not about what you can do nationally, it's about what you can do for the people of Norwich North.”

Dismissing his 27-year-old Tory rival and the favourite Chloe Smith as lacking life experience, he said UKIP would offer voters a fresh start. And he insisted UKIP was not a single-issue party.

“I think people are looking for somebody who has had bad times as well as good times, and has had to work hard, instead of spoon-fed politicians,” he said. “And unlike these career politicians, I would be happy to give 10pc of my gross salary to a local charity in Norwich chosen by the voters.

“It's about what's happening in our neighbourhood and people having control over their own lives,” he added

Mr Nuttall said UKIP's campaign message was about giving power back to the people and it was a theme they wanted to hit the ground running with now.

“It's a massive challenge under the first-past-the-post system, but with the expenses scandal all bets are off,” he said. “People who traditionally vote for Labour, Conservatives or Lib Dems are looking for a clean break. We believe in local referenda, zero tolerance on crime, and a strong line on immigration.”

Meanwhile Chloe Smith has been hosting a succession of shadow ministers, while David Cameron himself dropped into Norwich last Monday for one of his 'Cameron direct' roadshows.

Yesterday she was at Norwich City College with David Willetts, shadow universities and skills secretary to meet staff and students.

And not to be left out, Lib Dem leader Nick Clegg headed East to drum up support for the cause - even before the party had selected its candidate April Pond.

And then there was Labour deputy leader Harriet Harman, who was in Norwich to build bridges with angry activists after Ian Gibson's de-selection. Labour has had 15 CVs from people who are interested in standing for the seat and will pick a winner on Sunday.

But the party machine is already cranking itself up for the campaign ahead with a flood of press releases including one yesterday featuring city council leader Steve Morphew attacking Tory policies on repossessions, and Euro MP Richard Howitt attacking the Tories for their new political alliance in the European Parliament with “fringe” parties.

The Greens meanwhile, who also fancy their chances, will select their candidate tomorrow and party leader Caroline Lucas is also expected to visit the city.

It is going to be a busy few weeks ahead.

Eastern Daily Press


Successful local businesswoman April Pond has been selected for the Liberal Democrats in Norwich North.

Local Liberal Democrat campaigner April Pond said:

"I'm delighted to be selected for Norwich North and have the opportunity to follow the work of Ian Gibson.

"Talking to Norwich people, it is clear that they are angry and disillusioned with the way things are at the moment. People are concerned about jobs losses and practical worries and see this Government as failing miserably when they should be working hard to put things right. MPs' expenses and an inability to put in place practical incentives for climate change leave us letdown, ignored and insulted.

"In Norwich North, we have a real opportunity to make a real change.

"It is clear that Labour are set for a very bad election. Charles Clarke has already said that Labour could finish third at the General Election. The Conservatives offer nothing but the same old politics that has let the people of Norwich down.

"On issue after issue, the Liberal Democrats have led the fight for real change while the Conservatives lagged behind. On the economy, on the environment and now on the real reform of politics, it is the Lib Dems that are offering something different."

Leader of the Liberal Democrats Nick Clegg MP said:

"I wish to congratulate April Pond on her selection, the Liberal Democrats could not ask for a stronger candidate to represent the people of Norwich.

"April is Norwich through and through. As a councillor, she has used her passion and entrepreneurial skills to fight for small businesses, help keep St Michael's hospital open and to make the city a cleaner place.

"She would be a breath of fresh air in Westminster and, as an MP, I have no doubt that she will be a tireless champion for Norwich."

Local Liberal Democrat MP for North Norfolk Norman Lamb said:

"April is the natural successor to Ian Gibson. I'm delighted she has been selected as I have worked closely with her for many years. She is a strong, feisty outspoken businesswoman who knows the county like the back of her hand.

April will be a thorn in the side of Gordon Brown and this Labour Government. I'm really excited about what the Liberal Democrats can achieve in this by-election."


Thursday, June 18, 2009

Scottish Socialist Party to stand in Glasgow North East

A well-attended meeting of Scottish Socialist Party members last night voted to stand a candidate in the forthcoming Glasgow North East Westminster by-election, triggered by the resignation of Michael Martin.

The Scottish Socialist Party has consistently fought elections since our formation nearly 11 years ago. We are determined to give the people of Glasgow North East a socialist alternative to all the parties of greed and profiteering.

With daily bulletins on the stench of greed and corruption rising from Westminster, we will stand a socialist candidate pledged to remain on a skilled worker’s wage, nothing more, to stay in touch with working class people who suffer some of the worst levels of poverty in Europe.

With New Labour and the Tories competing in an obscene auction of job losses, pay cuts and the slaughter of public services, the SSP will demand a 10 per cent wealth tax on the millionaires to help fund jobs and services.

We will demand the Scottish government stand up for Scotland, mobilise the Scottish people and defy £500m of Westminster public sector cuts, instead of playing pass-the-blame at the expense of workers’ jobs and community services.

With Glasgow Labour council ripping the hearts out of several local communities through closure of schools and nurseries, and the SNP government standing silent in the shadows whilst class sizes increase and education worsens, the SSP will demand class sizes of 20 or less for all age-groups, and investment in local community schools, as part of our vision of an independent socialist Scotland that puts kids before cash, people before profit.

Scottish Socialist Party

Jim Devine might force a by-election in Livingston

Jim Devine is deciding what his next move will be
THE political earthquake of the MPs' expenses scandal continued to have aftershocks last night with suggestions that Labour's Jim Devine might force a by-election in Livingston.

The backbencher, who was cut loose by the Labour leadership because of queries over his expenses claims, is thought to be mulling over his options.

The 56-year-old politician, who is "devastated" by the party's decision to deselect him and believes he has been "hung out to dry", was unavailable for comment last night.

He fell foul of Labour's "star chamber" because of outstanding questions over receipts of £2157 for electrical work from a company that does not exist and of £2326 for 66 metres of shelving, said to have been provided by the landlord of his local pub. Mr Devine denied any wrongdoing.

If the Livingston MP were to force a by-election, it would be the third caused by the fall-out from the expenses scandal. The majority is only 2680 and Labour will be challenged hard by the SNP.

Last night, Labour sources claimed the date for the Glasgow North East by-election was likely to be August 27.

The governing party is said to have been buoyed by having polled 2000 more votes than the Nationalists in the recent Europoll in the area.

It also feels the current local controversy of school closures will not be so high because by then the schools would have returned after the summer holidays.

The other by-election due is in Norwich North, the seat of Labour's Ian Gibson.

'Bring on by-election' says candidate

THE Tory challenger vying to become the next Norwich North MP has urged Gordon Brown to 'bring on' the date of the by-election.

Chloe Smith, who has written to the prime minister calling for an immediate election, said voters deserved the chance to go to the polls at the first opportunity to elect a new representative after sitting Labour MP Ian Gibson quit his post.

“Gordon Brown should call the election earlier rather than later so that there is an MP who can look after residents,” she said.

“He has a choice between doing a public service and giving us a by-election, or political expediency.

“People are worried about the direction the country is going in and I think a lot of this by-election will be focused on big national issues, but people also want a local voice.”

The 27-year-old was campaigning in Norwich on Wednesday with shadow home secretary Chris Grayling, and she will be joined today by shadow families minister Maria Miller to visit two Sure Start Centres in the constituency.

Labour meanwhile has yet to find a candidate and applicants have until Sunday to put their names forward before a shortlist is drawn up by the National Executive Committee (NEC).

This week it emerged that Phil Taylor, a former government adviser who lives in the city and has been critical of Dr Gibson's deselection, is not planning to stand.

Meanwhile, the Lib Dems, whose leader Nick Clegg was campaigning in Norwich yesterday , are due to name a candidate in the next few days.

The Green Party, which finished strongly in the recent local and European elections is due to name its candidate next Wednesday after a selection meeting.

Dr Gibson resigned after the ruling Labour National Executive Committee (NEC) barred him from standing at the next election in the wake of allegations that he let his daughter and her partner live in his London flat rent-free before selling it to her at a discount.

There is speculation that the prime minister favours waiting until after the party conference season in October before holding the by-election, as he seeks to steady the government ship after seeing off a potential leadership crisis.

Norwich Advertiser

NORWICH NORTH - Liberal Democrats leaflet

Norwich North by-election
PARTY: Liberal Democrats

CLICK HERE FOR LARGE IMAGE From The Straight Choice.com

NORWICH NORTH - Conservative leaflet

Norwich North by-election
PARTY: Conservative Party
CANDIDATE: Chloe Smith

CLICK HERE FOR LARGE IMAGE From The Straight Choice.org

Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Whistle-stop trip to city for Cameron

More than 100 people turned out in force last night to question Conservative leader David Cameron in what turned out to be a whistle-stop trip to the city - and left with mixed feelings.

On stage for less an hour at the Hewett School on Cecil Road, Mr Cameron bounded into the theatre in his trademark blue suit and red tie, saying he thought the weather would have been nicer if the blue skies on TV drama Kingdom were anything to go by.

But the mood turned serious at the latest in a series of “Cameron Direct” events held across the country as people questioned him on policies from the challenges small businesses faced to the war in Afghanistan and ID cards.

The man who wants to be prime minister said East Anglia needed a better transport system - but said there was no money for new roads and that that toll roads were the answer.

Barry Wilson, 41, from Rackheath, near Norwich, said he had lost his sales job for an electrical fixings company eight weeks ago, but had managed to find another job. He asked Mr Cameron what he would do to improve transport links, adding: “It seems crazy that in 2009 there is no motorway link to the north or to the south.”

The Tory leader said: “East Anglia is one of the fastest-growing areas of the country, but the transport system is bad.

“We do need motorways and bypasses. It will be difficult for them to be built. We need to look at toll roads, otherwise the roads won't be built. If we want a growing economy and manufacturing industry, we need good transport links.”

As for rail links, he criticised frequent engineering works and said “There is no-one trying to keep the trains moving.”

But the biggest round of applause all evening was in response to a question asking for reassurances on ID cards which Mr Cameron would said he “bin”.

“One of the first things I'll do is ask my new home secretary to go into the Home Office and find the papers and tear them up and put them in the bin.”

As polished as ever, Mr Cameron answered each question with barely a hesitation but he continued the debate on ID cards and adopted a German accent. It prompted some laughter but also raised eyebrows. He had added that the only way identity cards would work is if people had to carry them all the time - but said it would be un-British for someone to be stopped and asked for their papers while walking the dog.

A woman in the audience raised her hand and asked him: “I wonder about the wisdom of you adopting a German accent?”

Mr Cameron replied: “It was meant to be light-hearted.”

Half way through the evening Mr Cameron also apologised for the MPs expenses scandal, adding that after 42 Direct Cameron sessions, that was normally the first thing he mentioned.

He went on to defend the Conservative position in Europe, condemn the British National Party as “Nazi thugs”, and pledge to continue investment in the NHS.

Adrian Pickering, managing director of Norwich IT company Xiasma, said government regulations were making things difficult for small businesses, while smaller organisations were not even being considered for government contracts. He said: “The answer always seem to be, you need to be a big company to fulfil a big project.”

Mr Cameron said there was a saying “No-one ever got sacked for hiring PriceWaterhouse Coopers”, but that sometimes the government should use less obvious companies. “We need to think, who is the exciting small company that could do it, rather than just saying, let's go back to Capita.”

Mr Cameron also took questions on the European Union, taxes, the British National Party, Nato and British troops in Afghanistan.

Speaking after the meeting, Phil Cutter, licensee of The Gardeners Arms on Timberhill in Norwich, said: “It would have been interesting to see what he would have said about our pubs but I thought he came across very well.

“I think his position at the moment is that with the position of the country at the moment he's in a no-lose situation. We can only go up.”

But 17-year-old student, Jon Chambers, from Diss, was less than convinced. He said: “I think a lot of questions didn't get answered.

“If you're going to be the candidate for change you have to take responsibility for your own party.

“It's all PR. I think he's done exactly what he does on TV and takes a stand, and gets a lot of press and looks great for the by-election but there's nothing else.”

Antony Little, leader of the Norwich Conservatives, said: “I think he went down really well. He sat down before hand and went through a lot of the issues and took it all on board and was very knowledgeable.”

When asked if he thought an hour was enough time in Norwich, Mr Little said: “He's obviously on a time schedule and needs to do more of these but you get a real sense of what people want.”

Norwich Evening News

Friday, June 12, 2009

Glasgow North East by-election

Glasgow North East by-election set for September

Scots Labour Party officials appear to have won a battle with London over the timing of the crucial Glasgow North East by-election, triggered by the decision of Michael Martin, the Commons Speaker, to stand down over the MPs' expenses scandal.

The Times has learnt that early September has been pencilled in for the contest, even though the Norwich North by-election is almost certain to be held in late July.

Labour's hierarchy in London had pushed for the Glasgow contest to be held on the same date as the one in Norwich. But this looks to have been successfully resisted by local officials in Glasgow, who pointed out that last year's Glasgow East by-election was held in July and Labour lost to the Scottish National Party.

While Labour has virtually written off hope of saving the Norwich seat - where the Tories need a swing of less than 6 per cent - they are more confident of holding on to the Glasgow constituency and believe that a longer run-up would benefit the party.

The Glenrothes by-election was delayed for almost three months last year after the death of the sitting MP, and resulted in Labour easily seeing off the SNP challenge.

As tradition demands in the constituency of the Speaker, Mr Martin was not opposed by the main parties at the 2005 general election and recorded a 10,000-plus majority over the SNP, which did field a candidate.

Labour was cheered by the result in Glasgow North East in last week's European election where it managed a 2,000 majority over the SNP, albeit on a turnout of 29 per cent and at the peak of the controversy over Gordon Brown's future and the expenses scandal.

Against that, a worry for Labour and the Prime Minister is that if the party were to lose Glasgow North East, it would be in the run-up to its annual conference, potentially opening up the leadership issue once more.

Senior figures in the constituency party believe that the damaging local issue of school closures may have receded by the time of the poll in September. Labour-run Glasgow City Council has been criticised by parents and Opposition parties over its programme to close or merge 20 under-used nursery and primary schools, four of them in Glasgow North East, saving more than £3million a year, and transferring pupils to other refurbished schools in the area.

A senior Labour source said: “The kids will be back at their new schools in August, meaning that the issue will have begun to fizzle out once people see that their childrens' new schools are nicer than their old ones.”

The other big local issue is poverty. According to the Office of National Statistics, 25.4 per cent of Glasgow North East's working-age population are on benefit as a result of “limiting, long-term illness” - the highest level in Scotland.

More than 30 per cent of adults are classed as economically inactive and the seat has the highest level of people without any kind of educational or vocational qualification in Britain, at 52 per cent. Compared to the rest of Scotland, smoking rates, cancer deaths, crime, and drug and alcohol abuse are higher. Incomes and life expectancy are also lower.

The SNP laid much of the blame for similar statistics at the door of Labour in the neighbouring constituency of Glasgow East last year when it overturned a 13,000 Labour majority.

The Times

Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Greens hopeful of Norwich North victory

Green party members will meet tonight to outline the timetable for selecting a candidate to fight the forthcoming Norwich North by-election.

The party is in buoyant mood after the local and European election result where they topped the poll in Norwich - stoking a belief they may be in a position to snatch the seat from Labour when the by-election is called.

While the Conservative candidate Chloe Smith should, on paper, win the seat, the Greens believe they might be able to pull off a surprise.

While Labour's nightmare scenario is that the Greens will beat them in to second place - giving them a platform to argue that they are the main challengers to the Tories at the next general election.

The Green's MEP candidate Rupert Read, who narrowly missed out on winning a seat in Brussels on Sunday, has already suggested he might put his name forward to contest the seat.

Other names to watch out for are Claire Stephenson, who chairs the city council's scrutiny committee, and Andrew Boswell the leader of the Greens at Norfolk County Council.

Adrian Ramsay, Green Party deputy leader, said the party will meet tonight to draw up its election strategy and confirmed that Adrian Holmes, who was the party's candidate at the last two general elections and had already been selected, did not want to contest the by-election.

“Adrian has decided he doesn't want to stand,” he said. “He told me that he didn't want to stand before we knew the European election result because of work and family reasons.

“We need to select a new candidate and we have got a party meeting to talk about our strategy for the campaign and we need to talk about the selection process,” he said. “A few people are considering it but no-one has definitely said they are going to put themselves forward. Everybody is excited by the prospect because of how well we did in the Mile Cross and Sewell seats. We won more votes than any other party across the city area, and we think we can put on a strong showing.”

EDP24 News

Sunday, June 07, 2009

The battle to become Norwich's next MP is underway today after Ian Gibson sensationally quit on a tumultuous day for the Labour party.

A by-election for Norwich North was triggered when an emotional Dr Gibson broke his silence after he was caught up in the Westminster expenses scandal and announced his resignation.

The 70-year-old spoke at The Forum yesterday afternoon of his “devastation” after his party barred him from standing in the next election in what he described as a “fait accompli”.

He said he was “bowed but not broken” but said he wanted to quit immediately because his position between now and the next election had become “untenable”.

That means voters in Norwich North will go to the polls, although when this will be is still unclear with some speculation it could be delayed as Labour searches for a suitable candidate to fill Dr Gibson's shoes.

Dr Gibson came under fire when it emerged he had spent £80,000 of taxpayers' money to pay the mortgage interest, council tax and bills on the London flat he had listed as a second home.

His daughter Helen and her boyfriend were living in the flat and last year Dr Gibson sold the flat to the couple for £162,000, equal to the amount of remaining mortgage, but less than the £195,000 he paid for it 10 years ago and below the market rate.

Dr Gibson's daughter, who is a civil servant, lived in the flat for several years after he bought it in 1999.

But he insisted he had lived in it for three to five nights a week while in London on parliamentary business.

He was one of four MPs to be told by Labour's so-called 'star chamber' that he cannot stand at the next election.

However, he said he felt that panel had made up its mind he was going before he was interviewed.

He said: “It's ridiculous. If I knew what I had done wrong I could fight back.

“Although I was told it was not to be a disciplinary hearing, it turned out to be so. I was allowed to bring one 'silent friend' with me and Martin Booth, President of Norwich Constituency Labour Party, offered to accompany me.

“He has commented elsewhere that their final decision was a fait accompli and I have to agree. I felt the panel had made their mind up prior to the interview and the considerable local and national support from constituents and non-constituents, although available, was not examined.”

After his 12 years of public service came to an abrupt end, Dr Gibson said: “I wish to publically thank the hundreds of people who sent me messages of support. The decision of the NEC leaves me today bowed but not broken. However I believe my position as an MP between now and the next election is untenable.”

Dr Gibson added: “The panel asked me if I felt my actions contravened the 2009 Code of Conduct clause in The Green Book, which states that claims should not give rise to 'improper personal financial benefits to themselves or anyone else'.

“This clause did not feature in Codes of Conduct in Green Books prior to 2009, when my daughter and her partner were living with me and when I sold my property to them, and even if it had I do not believe that there was anything improper about my actions. It still remains unclear which rule I have broken and I have not received the verdict in writing yet.”

He added: “The issue of my selling-on my second home below the market price begs the question why did I not sell it on the open market and make a profit? Some MPs did and, no doubt, gave or shared the proceeds with their family members.

“In my case I was not motivated by making a profit. I received the equivalent of the mortgage loan for the flat, namely £162,000 which was due to be repaid in November 2009. I will be required to repay an additional loan incurred by having to re-mortgage my first home in Norwich in order to buy the flat for £195,000 in 1999.

“It was, and will be, my personal money and not the taxpayers' which will be used to pay-off the re-mortgage. This helped to reduce the mortgage interest payments made by the taxpayer for my second home. I will, of course, be paying Capital Gains Tax on the sale of my second home, the exact amount of which will be determined in consultation with my accountant when preparing my 2008-09 tax return later this year.”

And he said he had not covered up the fact his daughter was living with him, with her name and that of her partner appearing on the electoral register.

He added he would not run as an independent and said it would havee been nice to have “gone out on a high and become Lord Mayor”.

But he said his politics would “never die”, he refused to say Gordon Brown should go and said he would continue living in Norwich.

Martin Booth, chairman of the Norwich Labour Party, also added his resignation to the growing pile of Labour stalwarts who have stepped down, and expressed anger at the way Dr Gibson had been treated.

Mr Booth, who has been a member of the party for 30 years and will now leave politics completely, said the treatment of Dr Gibson was a “gross injustice”.

He added: “For some time now I've been unhappy with the government and the party nationally, however I'd have stayed on helping to run the local party with my local colleagues but now I've had enough.”

Charles Clarke, MP for Norwich South, who may have to look after Norwich North while the by-election arrangements are thrashed out, said: “I'm sorry that Ian Gibson has decided to resign.

“I extend my best wishes to his family who've supported him through this. Though we've had our political disagreements on certain issues I've always respected Ian and continue to do so.”

Dr Gibson's resignation came as Prime Minister Gordon Brown refused to bow to calls to go from his own party after Labour suffered humiliation in the local elections, losing four remaining county councils to the Tories.

Mr Brown was rocked by a string of resignations as he reshuffled his cabinet, including Europe Minister Caroline Flint, who accused him of using women ministers as “little more than female window dressing”.

Who Labour will turn to in an effort to cling on to Norwich North is still unclear, but Phil Taylor, head of communications at Norwich City College, and a former advisor to Peter Hain, has been touted as a possible candidate.

But he was today keeping mum on whether he would put himself forward.

He said: “I think he (Ian Gibson) has been treated terribly by the party. I think he was subject to a kangaroo court and I quite understand why he feels so let down by the party. Ian has been an incredibly hard working MP.”

Adrian Holmes, The Green Party candidate for the Norwich North seat, added he thought Labour would struggle to fill Dr Gibson's shoes.

He said: “Ian Gibson built up quite a strong personal following. He was often at odds with the Labour officials so I think it's going to be difficult for them.

“I feel from what I've read he wasn't treated very well by the NEC and I think he's probably doing the honourable thing in standing down.”

Bill Holden, who will stand as an independent, said: “In terms of my campaign it won't make too much difference. I think it was time for him to retire. I just think there would be angst and worry for him.”

John Cowen, vice chairman of the Norfolk Labour Party, has been selected as the Labour candidate in South East Cambridgeshire, but last week made clear he fancied a shot at Norwich North. He said: “Ian had to make his own decision and know it would have been a touch decision. I have a lot of faith in Labour in Norwich North.”

Chloe Smith, the Conservative candidate for Norwich North, added: “I wish Dr Gibson all the best. I think he's been a very good MP up until now and I look forward to the campaign.”

Norwich City Council leader Steve Morphew and his partner Maggie Wheeler, who were both tipped to put their names forward to challenge for the seat, yesterday said they had no intention of doing so.

Norwich Evening News